Challenges faced by 3C industry of household appliances

Data fragmentation of various channels

Brands usually have multiple online and offline channels, and even have directly connected enterprise customer transaction data. Scattered transaction data makes business analysis difficult

Fragmentation of customer demand

There are more and more consumers' purchase entrances. The brand lacks a unified data center for management and 360 ° portrait of consumers. It is difficult to understand consumers' real needs

Low marketing input and output

Lack of a powerful data center to integrate multi-channel transaction data and submit it to the back-end system for more effective data analysis, resulting in a low marketing input-output ratio

Low consumption frequency

The industry characteristics of high customer price, low repurchase rate and long decision-making period make the life cycle of 3C customers of household appliances short and it is difficult to tap the lifetime value of users

Global data integration

Integrate multi-channel transaction data and customer data to quickly complete data infrastructure

Unified membership system

Connect the member systems of all platforms through digital technology, build a unified member loyalty plan, and achieve full life cycle operation

Real time service analysis

Based on the real-time analysis of marketing, enable business personnel to adjust the operation strategy in a timely manner to achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase



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